Riddle Fence is a Newfoundland and Labrador-based journal of arts and culture, currently published three times yearly.
We publish fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and visual art. We publish reviews online. For more information about our reviews, please visit our website: www.riddlefence.com.
For fiction, please be sure to submit a .doc or .docx file. Submissions should be double-spaced. Our suggested maximum word count is 3,000 words -- but if it’s brilliant and a bit longer, send it over.
Make sure your name and the title appear on every page of your submission.
Riddle Fence accepts simultaneous submissions, but you MUST inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Our free submissions windows are open from October 1- November 30 and January 1- February 28 BUT you can submit here, year-round, with a paid subscription -- at a discounted rate!
Be patient. We receive many submissions and read them all with care. It may take up to 6 months for a response.
Riddle Fence is a Newfoundland and Labrador-based journal of arts and culture, currently published three times yearly.
We publish fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and visual art. We publish reviews online. For more information about our reviews, please visit our website: www.riddlefence.com.
For poetry, all poems in a single submission should be included in a single document. Poetry submissions may be single-spaced. Please submit no more than 10 pages per submission (3 to 5 poems is best). No more than one poem on a page.
A FEW OTHER GUIDELINES: Make sure your name and the title appear on every page of your submission. Riddle Fence accepts simultaneous submissions, but you MUST inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Our free submissions windows are open from October 1- November 30 and January 1- February 28 BUT you can submit here, year-round, with a paid subscription -- at a discounted rate!
Be patient. We receive many submissions and read them all with care. It may take up to 6 months for a response.
Riddle Fence is a Newfoundland and Labrador-based journal of arts and culture, currently published three times yearly.
We publish fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and visual art. We publish reviews online. For more information about our reviews, please visit our website: www.riddlefence.com.
For visual art: Please submit up to 10 images of minimum 300 dpi. A selection of your best work helps us in our decision making. When you are prompted during image uploading, please include the requested metadata for each image including the title, dimension, medium, year the work was produced. We publish in full colour but we also accept black and white.
Riddle Fence accepts simultaneous submissions, but you MUST inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Our free submissions windows are open from October 1- November 30 and January 1- February 28 BUT you can submit here, year-round, with a paid subscription -- at a discounted rate!
Be patient. We receive many submissions and read them all with care. It may take up to 6 months for a response.